Version 0.3.1 released


  • Nightmareaper's HP: 2500 -> 4000
  • Wither's HP: 8000 -> 12000
  • HP restorage of Wither's eat: 600 per contraption -> 300 per contraption
  • Increased the detection window for achievement "Double Trouble".


  • Fixed an issue where you can still modify screen resolutions at map in Android.
  • Fixed an issue where Seija's Cursed Doll will trigger carts.
  • Fixed an issue where some texts and images are not translated.


MinecraftVSZombies2-0.3.1-Android.apk 107 MB
2 days ago 83 MB
2 days ago 7.5 kB
3 days ago

Get Minecraft VS Zombies 2


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what are energy because phone says something with energy like 10 energy = 10 coins i think

(1 edit)

Can you make the starshard bigger? The collecting part is fine but the giving part it's kinda hard since the icon is small

Edit: mostly a problem for Android